For more information and installing Node.js please see its page at
It's optional and you don't need to use it.
I've used it for compiling LESS files into CSS and
Mustache templates into static HTML
Less is a CSS pre-processor which is useful for creating and maintating large amounts of CSS code
You can find more info about it here
Almost all Ace CSS files are generated from compiling LESS files
First you need to install less compiler via npm:
npm install -g less
To compile LESS files, you can run the following commands:
lessc ace.less path/to/ace.css
lessc skins/skins.less path/to/ace-skins.css
For options such as compressing output, etc, you can use its help by using the following command:
lessc --help
You can also use the in-browser CSS builder tool to build a custom CSS.
Mustache Compilers
Ace's demo pages are mustache templates compiled into HTML
For more info about Mustache files please see Mustache files
PHP Mustache is used during development.
And Javascript Mustache compiler is used for final demo output
For more info please see the following links:
PHP Mustache