To use it, you should include:
assets/css/chosen.css assets/js/chosen.jquery.js
A basic example could be like this:
Add .tag-input-style class to select element
for an alternative multiple chosen style:
Please note that if chosen element is inside a container which is hidden at first,
it may not render properly.
To resolve it you should create the chosen or reset its width when the container is shown:
//an example of a chosen inside a modal
$('#modal-form').on('', function () {
$('#modal-form').on('', function () {
$(this).find('a:first-child').css('width' , '210px');
$(this).find('.chosen-drop').css('width' , '210px');
$(this).find('.chosen-search input').css('width' , '200px');
Chosen plugin is not responsive by default and to make it so, you should change its
dimensions on window resize event:
$(window).on('resize.chosen', function() {
//get its parent width
var w = $('.chosen-select').parent().width();
Chosen does not support touch devices.
So you can ignore touch devices when initiating chosen on an element:
if(!ace.vars['touch']) {
//only enable chosen if not a touch device!
Select2 is similar to chosen with more advanced features such as remote data loading.
For more info please see
To use it you should include:
assets/css/select2.css assets/js/select2.js
You can add .tag-input-style class to select element
for an alternative multiple chosen style:
A basic example which retrieve's autocomplete data dynamically from server is like this:
var tag_input = $('#form-field-tags');
placeholder: tag_input.attr('placeholder'),
//source: ['tag 1', 'tag 2'],//static autocomplet array
//or fetch data from database, fetch those that match "query"
source: function(query, process) {
$.ajax({url: 'remote_source.php?q='+encodeURIComponent(query)})
catch(e) {
//display a textarea for old IE, because it doesn't support this plugin or another one I tried!
tag_input.after('<textarea id="'+tag_input.attr('id')+'" name="'+tag_input.attr('name')+'" rows="3">'+tag_input.val()+'</textarea>').remove();
You can also add new tags using the following code:
//programmatically add a new tag
var $tag_obj = $('#form-field-tags').data('tag');
$tag_obj.add('new tag');